
Grounding by the Inner Stretch Pattern


  • Thomas Heinrich



Ключевые слова:

yawning, Bioenergetic Analysis, parasympathetic nervous system, dura mater, Turgo effect


Alexander Lowen emphasized the importance of changes in the body as a main goal of a body oriented psychotherapy. He focused especially on breathing and vibrating as involuntary movements and keys of changing and supporting a person’s grounding. Although yawning as another involuntary movement that shows a lot of changes on a body level, it is not in the center of Bioenergetic work yet. In my practice, yawning became an important and welcomed sign of therapeutic process and development which helps guide me through Bioenergetic sessions. The article will give some information about the current scientific findings and neurobiological aspects of yawning. A little study according to a simple yawning exercise gives data of self-experience of participants. Following phenomenological methods, new hypotheses of the reason and the purpose of yawning are presented. Some therapeutic implications, such as how the yawning of the client and of the therapist can be used in the process of a body-oriented psychotherapy, conclude the paper.

Биография автора

Thomas Heinrich

Thomas Heinrich, Dipl.-Psych., CBT since 2001 and Local Trainer of the Süddeutsche Gesellschaft für Bioenergetische Analyse (SGfBA) has focused in the last years on the anatomical basics of Bioenergetic Analysis especially in the work with traumatized clients and those with non heterosexual orientation. Certified Advanced Rolfer®. Private practice in Mannheim and Heilbronn, Southern Germany, CO of PLUS. Psychologische Lesben- und Schwulenberatung Rhein-Neckar (Psychological Lesbian and Gay Councelling Center), Mannheim.
063-084 36086


Как цитировать

Heinrich, T. (2022). Yawning: Grounding by the Inner Stretch Pattern. Bioenergetic Analysis, 24(1), 63–84. https://doi.org/10.30820/0743-4804-2014-24-63


