Vol. 24 N.º 1 (2014)


The edition contains seven original papers and one interview of a revered IIBA trainer. Maê Nascimento addresses how the modern world influences a sense of disconnectedness and the resulting effect in psychotherapy. John Conger provides an interview of IIBA trainer emerita, Eleanor Greenlee, which contains her wise knowledge from a lifetime of teaching and providing therapy from a Bioenergetic perspective. Homayoun Shahri covers neuroscience and other theories in examining developmental trauma. Thomas Heinrich explores the grounding and expansive properties of yawning. Léia Cardenuto presents work on building a social clinic in Brazil. Vincentia Schroeter brings the latest material from attachment theory to compare with Bioenergetic Analysis. Helen Resneck-Sannes explores the world of treating chronic pain. Odila Weigand brings a classic paper about how Core Energetics values exploring negativity in psychotherapy.

If you want to order a printed copy of this issue you can either use Psychosozial-Verlags webshop (that is in German only) or write an e-mail to vertrieb@psychosozial-verlag.de.

Publicado: 2022-03-01

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