

  • Maria Cristina Francisco



body, plurality, diversity, emotion, transformation


Plurality is a conceptual tool that makes diversity explicit. Its importance lies in the theoretical field of studies. Plurality encompasses social values, collective lifestyle, ethics, respect, justice, knowledge of various cultures, and the impact of physical and psychological suffering created by prejudice and discrimination. Understanding the different types of knowledge and the mechanisms that keep them concealed and that affect them can contribute to reducing prejudice, fear, and insecurity in the face of the unknown. A confrontation occurs in the presence of insecurity. Fear and anger emerge, and violence becomes an act of eliminating that which is considered threatening. Moreover, the contemporary context adds technology, competition, and speed to this equation, and the result impacts our lives, disconnects us, and anesthetizes our social and emotional bodies. As a principle of plurality, diversity is key to our lives. There is no survival without transformation. We and the world are in constant change. This involves action, learning, and both personal and social experience.

Author Biography

Maria Cristina Francisco

Maria Cristina Francisco, License number (CRP) 06/24832-9, Local Trainer by the IABSP (Sao Paulo Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis), is a somatic psychotherapist/therapist with a degree from the Brazilian Biosynthesis Institute, member of Instituto AMMA for Psyche and Blackness, and member of the Latin-American Bioenergetic Analysis Federation (FLAAB). She was awarded the prize of best social work for the project “Meeting Point - Between Black Women and Men” at the 24th Bioenergetic Analysis International Conference in Toronto - Canada, in 2017, and authored the book Black Eyes Crossed the Sea.
019-026 36171


How to Cite

Francisco, M. C. (2022). Pluralities. Bioenergetic Analysis, 32(1), 19–26.


