Neuroscience, Attachment and Love


  • Helen Resneck-Sannes


Ключевые слова:

neuroscience, attachment, somatic psychotherapy, touch, love


Findings from the neuroscientific research with its emphasis on attachment are presented. The focus of this research is primarily on the body in the brain and there is little interest or discussion of what goes on below the head. This neuroscientific view of attachment is contrasted with the attachment theories of Harry Harlow and Alexander Lowen, both based on the relationship between the mother and infant’s bodies. Other forms of somatic therapies are compared with bioenergetics, pointing out a few of the ideas they have borrowed from the theory and practice of bioenergetics, but have not truly understood. Finally, I present a model of psychotherapeutic change based on the therapist’s responses being shaped by the early attachment needs of the client, which reflect the underpinnings of love.

Биография автора

Helen Resneck-Sannes

Helen Resneck-Sannes, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, practicing psychotherapy in Santa Cruz, California for over thirty years. She is on the international faculty of the IIBA, and has taught in many countries around the world. Her numerous writings have been pioneering in integrating Bioenergetics with modern analytic, developmental, attachment, neuroscientific and trauma models in psychotherapy, and her articles have appeared in various psychological journals and books. Website:
009-028 36102


Как цитировать

Resneck-Sannes, H. (2022). Neuroscience, Attachment and Love. Bioenergetic Analysis, 22(1), 9–28.


