Examining Traumatic Memories

Re-Encoding and Reconsolidation


  • Homayoun Shahri




neuroscience, trauma, memory, information theory, re-encoding, reconsolidation


Apresento, neste trabalho, uma breve revisão das memórias traumáticas, baseada na neurociência e na teoria da informação. Apresento, também, uma nova técnica que possibilita reescrever as memórias traumáticas durante a reconsolidação. Essa técnica se baseia em acrescentar novas informações no momento da recordação dessas memórias, podendo resultar em sua recodificação. As memórias reescritas resultantes parecem ser duradouras.

Biografia Autor

Homayoun Shahri

Homayoun Shahri, Ph.D., M.A., CBT, LMFT, received his PhD in electrical engineering specializing in coding and information theory from Lehigh University in 1990, and his master of arts in clinical and somatic psychology from Santa Barbara Graduate Institute (now part of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology) in 2012. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and has a private practice in Irvine, CA, USA. Homayoun is a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist, and is a member of the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) and the Southern California Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (SCIBA). Homayoun is a member of the United States Association of Body Psychotherapy (USABP) and is on the peer review board of the International Body Psychotherapy Journal.
045-062 36038

Como Citar

Shahri, H. (2018). Examining Traumatic Memories: Re-Encoding and Reconsolidation. Bioenergetic Analysis, 28(1), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.30820/0743-4804-2018-28-45


