Lowen’s Energy Concept

A Neurobiological Explanation and Redefinition


  • Christa D. Ventling



Parole chiave:

Lowen’s energy concept, exercise and new energy, energy redefinition, neurohormones


Alexander Lowen, fondatore della psicoterapia bioenergetica, ha posto grande enfasi sul lavoro corporeo. Con questo intendeva varie forme, partendo dagli esercizi più vicini alla ginnastica a quelli che comprendono posizioni di stress che avvicinano la persona a sensazioni corporee che richiamano esperienze traumatiche precoci e che quindi rendono possibili nuovi insight. Lowen definiva questo processo «energia attraverso l’esercizio”. Questo concetto è, comunque, confuso, dal momento che fare esercizio comprende tutte quelle attività che richiedono energia e non la creano – a meno che non si presuma l’esistenza o la creazione di una forma sconosciuta. La riflessione che segue cerca di chiarire ciò esplorando la letteratura e conclude che la sintesi di specifici neuro-ormoni potrebbe essere responsabile della creazione di quelle particolari sensazioni di eccitazione sperimentate dalle persone coinvolte in tali esperienze.

Biografia autore

Christa D. Ventling

Christa D.Ventling DPhil, lic.phil (M.Sc) got her doctorate in biochemistry at the University of Oxford GB, followed by over 25 years in medically oriented basic research at various University Medical Schools in the USA (Iowa City, IA, The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland, both in Baltimore MD). She then returned to Switzerland to continue in basic research at the Friedrich Miescher-Institute of then Ciba-Geigy, now Novartis, Basel. More than 50 publications resulted from this time. From 1983–1987 she studied psychology at the University of Basel graduating with a M.Sc. degree. She went on for a psychoanalytical and body-oriented training in Bioenergetic Analysis and Therapy (BAT), was certified in 1995, became a member of the teaching staff of the Swiss Bioenergetic Society (SGBAT) in 2000 and a supervisor in 2005. She runs a private psychotherapeutic practice since 1990 and continues her scientific interest in psychotherapeutic topics. She carried out a major investigation on the efficacy of BAT for which she received the Prize for the best Research in 2002 by the US Association for Body Psychotherapy. She is the editor of “Childhood Psychotherapy: A Bioenergetic Approach” and of “Body Psychotherapy in Progressive and Chronic Disorders”, published in 2001 resp. 2002 by Karger, Basel. She has two grown children and three grandchildren.
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Come citare

Ventling, C. D. (2022). Lowen’s Energy Concept: A Neurobiological Explanation and Redefinition. Bioenergetic Analysis, 23(1), 101–109. https://doi.org/10.30820/0743-4804-2013-23-101


