Vol. 21 No. 1 (2011)


The issue contains three original papers by authors from three different countries. A paper examining grounding using new research on the primary triad of mother, father and infant is written by J. Clauer. A research paper explores the affect of Bioenergetic therapy on a client’s perception of God. It is provided by J. Allard. Robert Lewis writes a moving paper exploring the poetry of the body in the psychotherapy dyad. In a creative writing section there are two sets of poetry. Again, the abstracts of the original papers are all translated into six languages.

If you want to order a printed copy of this issue you can either use Psychosozial-Verlags webshop (that is in German only) or write an e-mail to vertrieb@psychosozial-verlag.de.

Published: 2022-03-01

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