Feeling the Joy of Life in the Body

Ludic Activities in the Bioenergetic Analysis with Children


  • Périsson Dantas




Bioenergetic Analysis, Therapeutic Exercises, Child Psychotherapy, Prevention of Neurosis


The article aims to present how Bioenergetic Analysis exercises can be applied in a playful way in Child Psychotherapy. There are specificities in handling body work with children, which are: a) the understanding that patients are still in the process of ego development; b) plasticity of armor formation in this phase; c) the intention to strengthen more adaptive defense systems. As an initial theoretical review, the pioneering initiatives of body psychotherapies on child clinical psychology are discussed and a proposal for the use of bioenergetic exercises is launched, following the assumptions for the energetic mobilization of the armor rings in children, in the bottom-up sense. Finally, this article justifies the importance of training psychotherapists for specific care with children as a way of promoting health and rescuing Reich’s intention to prevent neuroses.

Author Biography

Périsson Dantas

Périsson Dantas is a Clinical Psychologist with a PhD in Psychosomatics. He is an international trainer, member of the IIBA Faculty, psychotherapist and supervisor. Adjunct professor at the State University of Piauí. He teaches Bioenergetic Analysis classes in several societies in Brazil.
035-054 36197


How to Cite

Dantas, P. (2024). Feeling the Joy of Life in the Body: Ludic Activities in the Bioenergetic Analysis with Children. Bioenergetic Analysis, 34(1), 35–54. https://doi.org/10.30820/0743-4804-2024-34-35


