Pride and Prejudice

The Bioenergetic Work with LGBTIQ*


  • Thomas Heinrich



homonegativity, transnegativity, narcissism, hetero-centric, cis-centered


This Conference paper accepts the challenge of talking about the plurality of LGBTIQ in twenty minutes, as well as describing how we as Bioenergetic therapists can work with LGBTIQ* clients to support them in finding their self-esteem to get self-effective.


Thomas Heinrich

Thomas Heinrich, Dipl.-Psych., Certified Advanced RolferTM, CBT since 2001, member of the Süddeutsche Gesellschaft für Bioenergetische Analyse (SGfBA) and member of faculty of the IIBA, has focused in the last years on the anatomical basics of Bioenergetic Analysis especially in the work with traumatized clients and those with non-heterosexual orientation and transgender. Private practice in Mannheim, Southern Germany. Founder and counselor at PLUS. Psychologische Lesben- und Schwulenberatung Rhein-Neckar (Psychological Lesbian and Gay Councelling Center), Mannheim.
027-038 36172


