Elements of Comprehending Change-Processes in BA

From Isolated Self-Regulation to Interactive Regulation: Embodied Resonance (Empathy) and Physical Encounter


  • Joerg Clauer



Ключевые слова:

embodied resonance, fragmented self-experience, mutual developmental process, physical cooperation, “primary triangle”


On behalf of two case studies this paper aims to present some elements in comprehending change-processes of patients suffering from severe disorders. Knowledge of infant research and neurobiology are used as a blueprint for that. Healing processes are considered to take place on the level of implicit embodied relational knowledge – and embodied resonance (empathy), physical cooperation and rhythms to be fundamental elements. Spatiotemporal, affective and bodily proprioceptive forms of communicative exchange – and less the psychodynamic content – are of fundamental importance to self-development of patients in this perspective.

Биография автора

Joerg Clauer

Dr. med. Jörg Clauer, born in 1951; CBT and Faculty Member of IIBA. Biochemist, doctor of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy- psychoanalysis (DGPT, DPG, IARPP), psychiatry and psychotherapy, general medicine, rehabilitation. For many years, managerial position in psychosomatic specialist clinics, psychotherapeutic practice since 1999. Lecturer, teaching therapist and supervisor (DGSV) in the field psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, bioenergetic analysis, marriage family and life counseling, coaching, organizational consulting. Various publications in books and journals. Founding member of EfBAP, editorial staff member of the Forum Bioenergetic Analysis.
075-110 36064

Как цитировать

Clauer, J. (2016). Elements of Comprehending Change-Processes in BA: From Isolated Self-Regulation to Interactive Regulation: Embodied Resonance (Empathy) and Physical Encounter. Bioenergetic Analysis, 26(1), 75–110. https://doi.org/10.30820/0743-4804-2016-26-75


