Searching for Active Factors in Diverse Approaches to Psychotherapy – Types of Intervention and Temporal Aspects

Brief Research Report


  • Margit Koemeda-Lutz
  • Aureliano Crameri
  • Peter Schulthess
  • Agnes von Wyl
  • Volker Tschuschke


Parole chiave:

naturalistic process outcome study, treatment effectiveness research, synopsis, psychotherapy approaches


This paper is a synopsis of scientific research on treatment effectiveness of ten varying approaches to psychotherapy. Different types of psychotherapy justify their existence by the basic assumption that therapeutic change is effectuated by specific concepts, attitudes and interventional techniques. In comparative psychotherapy research, for many years, studies have quantified outcome differences (see e.g. Lambert, 2013), and only very few have closely examined the process of treatment. The study reported here was part of a larger multi-center naturalistic process-outcome study (pre-post-follow-up, see e.g. von Wyl et al., 2013; Crameri et al., 2015; Tschuschke et al., 2015), named PAP-S, which included 362 patients from 81 therapists. The synopsis includes methods as well as results and discussion.

Biografie autore

Margit Koemeda-Lutz

Margit Koemeda-Lutz: PhD, psychologist, psychotherapist and faculty member of the IIBA; coordinating trainer for the SGBAT (Swiss Society for Bioenergetic Analysis and Therapy). Co-founding member of the PAP-S research group.

Aureliano Crameri

Aureliano Crameri, MSc, is a PhD candidate, research associate, psychologist, quality manager, and academic instructor of research methodology at Zurich University for Applied Sciences.

Peter Schulthess

Peter Schulthess, MSc, is an instructional therapist and psychotherapist; education leader at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy Switzerland; and president of the Swiss Charta for Psychotherapy

Agnes von Wyl

Agnes von Wyl, PhD, is a professor, psychologist; lecturer; and head of the Research Unit for Psychotherapy and Mental Health at Zurich University for Applied Sciences.

Volker Tschuschke

Volker Tschuschke, PhD, is a professor, professor emeritus, psychologist, psychoanalyst, formerly head of the department of Medical Psychology at the University Hospital of Cologne, Germany; currently head of the graduate program in psychology at the Sigmund Freud Private University, Berlin.
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Come citare

Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., Wyl, A. von, & Tschuschke, V. (2016). Searching for Active Factors in Diverse Approaches to Psychotherapy – Types of Intervention and Temporal Aspects: Brief Research Report. Bioenergetic Analysis, 26(1), 119–136.


