Bioenergetics In Search Of A Secure Self


  • Robert Lewis


Parole chiave:

attachment, secure base, avoidant, shock, dissociated, psychosomatic unity


This paper, based on my personal experience and more recently available biographical and autobiographical sources, is an attempt to reevaluate classical (Lowenian) bioenergetic analysis from a perspective based on recent research from the attachment paradigm. Specifically, it explores the use of the body, its energy and sexuality as substitutes for a secure relationship with a caregiver.

Biografia autore

Robert Lewis

Robert Lewis, M.D., in private practice in New York, is a senior trainer on the IIBA faculty, and a member of the clinical faculty of the NYU/Mount Sinai Medical Center. He has published extensively on the integration of early developmental and relational issues into the basic bioenergetic approach. R.Lewis has long been interested in the sensory-motor story which trauma engraves in our bodies. He coined the term »cephalic shock« to capture the psychosomatic experience of what Winnicott called the mind as the locus of the false self. His elucidation of Cephalic Shock and way of working with the head, voice, and diaphragmatic connections to the pelvis, are beyond words. He has found the attachment paradigm deeply confirming of the centrality of relationship in his clinical approach. R.Lewis aims for and is touched by the moments of encounter in which implicit mystery becomes almost palpable. He leads workshops in Europe and the Americas, and residential intensives on Long Island, New York. Webpage:
135-164 36151


Come citare

Lewis, R. (2022). Bioenergetics In Search Of A Secure Self. Bioenergetic Analysis, 17(1), 135–164.


