The Role of Bioenergetic Supervision in Bioenergetic Training


  • Alex Munroe


Mots-clés :

Bioenergetic Analysis, Psychotherapy, Supervision, Social Work, Training


Supervision plays a key role in a trainee’s movement towards certification as a Bioenergetic Therapist. It is therefore important to clearly understand and discuss the components of Bioenergetic supervision. Some commonalities for supervision in psychology, social work and Bioenergetic Analysis are set out. Aspects of supervision that are unique to Bioenergetic Analysis are identified. The paper concludes with an exercise to help the reader experience some of the Bioenergetic concepts presented. The paper is a beginning attempt to contribute to this discussion.

Biographie de l'auteur

Alex Munroe

Alex Munroe is a social worker in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He received his MSW from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1973. Alex worked in family service agencies in Alberta, and established a private psychotherapy practice in 1986, and this continues. He is a part time faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University, Faculty of Social Work and teaches in the Distance Education program. Alex began his Bioenergetic training in Alberta in 1981 and has been on the International Faculty since 2003. He served on the IIBA Board of Trustees from 2002–2004 and 2006–2008, is a past member of the IIBA Ethics Committee and currently acting chair of the IIBA Restructuring Committee.
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Comment citer

Munroe, A. (2022). The Role of Bioenergetic Supervision in Bioenergetic Training. Bioenergetic Analysis, 19(1), 101–112.


