Intersubjectivity in the Construction of Boundaries

Between yes and no


  • Patrizia Moselli


Palabras clave:

Intersubjectivity, boundaries, attachment, therapy dyad


Este artículo examina la intersubjetividad y los problemas de apego entre un infante y la madre en relación con la psicoterapia. Desde este punto de vista, se argumenta que la dinámica entre el/la terapeuta-cliente/a forma la base del trabajo de terapia. Los límites se analizan a través de los conceptos de la bioenergética. El ensayo concluye con técnicas de tratamiento que incrementan el desarrollo de límites saludables.

Biografía del autor/a

Patrizia Moselli

Patrizia Moselli, Psychotherapist, Director of S.I.A.B. (Italian Society for Bioenergetic Analysis) and Past President F.I.A.P. (Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Associations), BOT member of SIPSIC (Italian Society for Psychotherapy), IIBA International Trainer, Faculty and BOT member (IIBA). Senior trainer also in the person-centered approach, she worked with Carl Rogers in facilitating intercultural encounter groups in Italy, Ireland and Hungary. Author of the book, “The Wounded Healer. The psychotherapist’s vulnerability” (last reprint 2015) on countertransference. Co-editor of the volume, “Clinical dimensions and theoretical models of the therapeutic relationship” (2009). Editor of, “Our affective sea. Psychotherapy as a journey” (2010). Collaboration, as author, for the “National and International Psychotherapy Dictionary” edited by Salvini and Nardone (2013). Many of her essays are published in Italian and international magazines and she’s the author of several scientific articles.
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Cómo citar

Moselli, P. (2017). Intersubjectivity in the Construction of Boundaries: Between yes and no. Bioenergetic Analysis, 27(1), 9–19.


