What’s the Use of Violence?


  • Ron Robbins




Violence, Development, Rhythmic Integration, Context, Acting-out and Catharsis


As unpopular as the thesis may be, a look at the processes that underlie our early growth indicates that at every developmental stage new potentials for violence naturally arise. This paper traces the emergence of these potentials as they grow out of the maturational steps of our body. It is suggested that violent potentials can be useful to therapy and the context of their applications is key to determine their value and the meanings we make of them.


Ron Robbins

Ron Robbins has been a practicing psychologist and psychotherapist for 40 years. His theoretical interest is in the process of change as a path toward wholeness. He has utilized insights gained from this interest to develop a successful one-session evidenced-based method to treat frequent panic attacks. He is currently evolving a curriculum of wholeness that uses body dynamics to mature early life potentials for use in fuller living. He has been a frequent contributor to the Journal of Bioenergetic Analysis, a former trustee and an international Trainer for over 35 years. His book Rhythmic Integration: Finding Wholeness in the Process of Change was acclaimed by Alexander Lowen.
029-048 36155



Robbins, R. (2022). What’s the Use of Violence?. Bioenergetic Analysis, 16(1), 29–48. https://doi.org/10.30820/0743-4804-2006-16-29


