The Mysterious Life Energy

On the Validity of the Bioenergetic Concept


  • Arild Hafstad



bioenergy concept, organismic viewpoint, orgone, RCT validation of a bioenergetic system


The paper explores empirical validation of the bioenergetic concept by randomized controlled research on the orgone box. To improve concept validity the author anchors the bioenergetic concept in physical principles and metabolism, combined with principles from Bioenergetic Analysis. The research lends support to the bioenergetic concept by showing that «contextual” stimulation (in the orgone box) can increase free energy in the human organism, indicating influence on a human bioenergetic system. These studies show that the human bioenergetic system is under contextual influence. The orgone theory has formal weaknesses and a sound scientific strategy gives priority to examining the equipment first.

Author Biography

Arild Hafstad

Arild Hafstad was born in 1957 in Oslo, Norway where he lives and works. Graduate psychologist 1983, clinical psychologist 1988, chief psychologist 1988–1993. Full time private practice from 1993 to this day. Certified bioenergetic therapist in 2004. President of the Norwegian Society for Bioenergetic Analysis 2006 – 2010. Former board member of The Norwegian Forum for Character Analysis and at present in the Reich Society. Assistant trainer in BA training group 2007–2010. Published in the European Journal of Bioenergetic Analysis 2008 and the IIBA journal 2013. Workshop presenter at IIBA conferences in 2013 and 2017. Conducts workshops in Bioenergetic Analysis.
027-043 36037


How to Cite

Hafstad, A. (2018). The Mysterious Life Energy: On the Validity of the Bioenergetic Concept. Bioenergetic Analysis, 28(1), 27–43.


